Program book
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Note: Abstracts are not included.
Online program including abstracts
- Only the first author has been listed below.
- Not all presenters submitted presentations, or gave permission to publish.
Keynote addresses
- Maggie Walter, Evaluation and the Indigenous lifeworld: Whose purpose; whose logic; and whose reality?
- Mike Drummond, From 'priceless' health to impactful economic evaluations: negotiating values friction for better decision making
- Donna Mertens, Building the transformative impact of evaluation
- Katherine Trebeck, Can changing the lens change the world?
- Abbato, Samantha, Building team evaluative thinking: How to make evaluation resonate using cartoons and a checklist
- AES Fellows, Questions, queries, and quips: Ask the AES Fellows
- Allport, Tanya, He Whetu Arataki: Growing Indigenous leadership
- Althor, Glenn, Using collaborative theory of change design methods: Designing an evaluation of an elder abuse intervention
- Anderson, Jenny, Don't forget the last step: Evaluation knowledge translation practices that resonate
- Astbury, Brad, Developing and implementing an effective evaluation maturity model
- Atkinson, Gerard, Comparing machine learning and human approaches for topic classification
- Atkinson, Gerard, GPT as a rubric-driven evaluator
- Baker, Kate, IRL (In Real Life): Elevating the role of real-life stories in a government trial
- Barclay, Alison, The Contribution to Change Framework: Supporting community-based organisations to demonstrate their impact
- Bayley, Scott, ‘Help! I'm doing an impact evaluation, what evidence do I need?’
- Benveniste, Tessa, Reflecting with relationships, hearts, minds and spirits: A Developmental Evaluation
- Blackett, Nicole, Deadly Innovation Evaluation: Moving at the speed of trust
- Bolger, Sarah, Outcome Harvesting as a flexible monitoring and evaluation method in complex contexts: practical application across different sectors
- Buck, Tania, Applying evaluative reasoning within the political economy of rural primary healthcare
- Carter, Marnie, Cutting through complexity: Stakeholder mapping using an ecosystems lens
- Chen, Anabelle (Pin-Ju), Evidence and Evaluation Register in NSW Department of Planning and Environment
- Cole, Michael, Theory building from evaluation
- Cooper, Samantha, Applying the emerging Meaningful Evaluation approach
- Cooper, Samantha, Participatory evaluation with young people from diverse cultural communities: Reflections, challenges, and practical learnings
- Darcy, Christabelle, Looking into the mirror: Evaluating a whole-of-government program evaluation framework
- Dare, Yonas, Evaluating the role of a Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to enable people seeking asylum access services in Australia: The case of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)
- Dart, Jess, MEL refreshed: Engage with us in developing a set of principles for Measurement, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)
- Donkers, Martina, I'm an evaluator... get me out of here!
- Duyker, Josh, Who's value is it anyway?
- EJA Editorial Team, Sharing evaluation practice through publication in the Evaluation Journal of Australasia
- Elliott, Julie, Committed to mentoring
- Elliott, Julie, What can we learn from Machiavelli and systems science to improve how we facilitate evaluation use?
- Fandim, Fiona, Navigating the Pacific evaluation landscape: Strengthening Pacific Monitoring Evaluation and Learning for the Pacific by the Pacific
- Field, Adrian, Applying a Value for Investment lens in a National Primary Youth Mental Initiative
- Gage, Lea, Wirluparu kulalupana jardimarna nangunna jalilinna kangamalana. The sea foams in the distance. I hear the roar of joy
- Goldsworthy, Kat, What does speed dating have to do with capability building? Lessons from drop-in evaluation sessions
- Greennwell, Harry, Reflections on embedding a culture of evaluation across the Commonwealth: From principles to practice
- Gyles, Alex, Yitakimaninjaku, warrirninjaku, payirninjaku manu pina-jarrinjaku: Challenging norms of monitoring and evaluation through Indigenous co-design on Warlpiri country
- Hannon, Tom, Embedding strong First Nations self-determination across the program and evaluation cycles
- Hardess, Madeline, You adults need to stop and listen: Reimagining a program's purpose by listening to young people
- Healey, Matt, Using systems practice to refocus evaluation
- Healy, Dan, 'We are more than evaluators': Evaluators as boundary agents to support transformative change
- Hornby, Kristy, No time? No problem! Designing rigorous Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks in less than a week
- Hornby, Kristy, Five signs you're ready to evaluate
- Hornby, Kristy, Evaluating the unseen five years on: ChatGPT, algorithms and machine learning
- Jeyapalan, Miriam, Can rapid evaluations be rigorous?
- Jimenez, Carlos, Scaling up the case study method: N=1 done many times
- Jones, Karen, Developing a culturally responsive evaluation framework: A partnership between the University of Newcastle and the NSW Department of Education to re-imagine evaluation
- Jongsma, Froukje, Through the lens of community: Co-designing Hands Up Mallee's Measurement, Evaluation and Learning approach together with cross-sector partners, families, and youth
- Jung, Christian, Cost-neutrality in public sector evaluation: Pipe dream or within reach?
- Jurisic, Natalie, Keeping it real: ReachOut's social impact measurement in a digital world
- Kaleveld, Lisette, Reaching people through doorknocking: An underutilised method that provides rich learnings
- Karskens, Ethel, Biases in technology: Adopting innovation without increasing inequalities
- Kerdo, Eleanor, Case studies: A sharpening of the evaluative lens
- King, Julian, Participatory evaluation design and sense-making - making meaning through co-constructed lenses
- King, Julian, Adapting and embracing new conceptions of rigour for evaluation practice in complexity
- Lowik, Vicki, Breaking the silence
- Lugg, Megan, From measurement to judgment: Shifting evaluation norms in a large public sector agency
- Lystlund-Hemi, Sara, Always doubt yourself: Using auto-ethnography to critically examine issues of culture, power, and communication in evaluation and research
- Main, Squirrel, Creative design: Refocusing our efforts on growing First Nations evaluators
- Mak, Sarah, Through the camera lens: Harnessing the transformative power of participant-led storytelling for evaluation
- Mann, Catherine, Social work and evaluation: Reflecting on practice in the not-for-profit sector
- Marra-Brown, Sharon, Queering data collection: Gathering data with the fabulous folx in the LGBTQIA+ community
- Marra-Brown, Sharon, Empowerment or exploitation: The ethics of engaging people with lived and living experience in evaluation
- McKegg, Kate, Atmospheric rivers of change are headed evaluation's way: What do we make of them, what are the benefits and hazards?
- Moselen, Tenille, Learnings from the field when evaluating sensitive topics: Voluntary Assisted Dying, family violence and mental health
- Odgers, Jasper, Making use of evaluation through a new lens
- Owen, Santi, Impact evaluation of complex portfolios
- Palombi, Melissa, Through the camera lens: Using mobile video storytelling to monitor and evaluate sport programs in the Pacific
- Pereth, Cherie, We can't do this alone: A multidisciplinary approach to MEL
- Potaka-Osborne, Gill, Shifting the gaze from white to brown: Indigenous pathways for Indigenous evaluators
- Radcliffe, Doyen, Seed to Tree: Culturally strong and self-determining evaluation tool measuring change
- Raetz, Stuart, Markers for change: Monitoring criteria for climate resilience
- Rees, Natasha, Decolonising evaluation: Putting a First Nations lens on SROI
- Reeves, Amanda, Creating a shared lens: Building an evaluation culture - putting theory into practice
- Ridgeway, Madeleine, Seen but not heard: Supporting the perspectives of children and young people in evaluation
- Riley, Jen, Transforming granting through an evaluation lens
- Rixon, Nerida, A lens to examine and challenge the way we build government program theory
- Sansness, Todd, Measuring customer experience in Government: Understand effectiveness by going beyond a single measure of satisfaction
- Sar, Seila, An impact evaluation of media literacy initiative in India
- Seto, Min, Through the lens of wellbeing frameworks: Using Systems Logic and Wellbeing Valuation to move from theory to practice
- Siddiqui, Taimur, Reflecting on the data from the AES Competencies Self-Assessment: What have we learnt? What's next?
- Smith, Laura, Ready or not? Why readiness is a key component of structural integrity in program implementation, scale, and sustainability
- Smith, Graham, Developing better performance information
- Spanswick, Lucy, Reflections on working with independent evaluators: Through the lens of an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO)
- Stephens, Anne, Testing and refining systemic evaluation methodology in Timor-Leste
- Stockton, Deborah, Collaborative community co-design: Harnessing realist evaluation to adapt child health service models for rural communities
- Strempel, Anna, Using a robust discovery phase to build better theories of change
- Teal, Renee, Developmental Evaluation: Evaluating the implementation and outcomes of a multi-faceted complex real-world initiative
- Thorn, Kat, A collective approach to measuring social inclusion to tell a story in place in Melbourne's north-west metropolitan region and surrounding areas
- Treadgold, Claire, Do as the young people do: Challenges and strategies to best listen to young people
- Tretheway, Rebecca, Can micro-credentials offer a new way of upskilling the evaluation sector in a rapidly changing environment?
- Vogelpoel, Nicholas, Are we missing the point? Evaluating the value of collaboration
- Wabuke, Monica, Place-based research methodologies and approaches: Experiences from the Pacific and Afghanistan through a local practitioner lens
- Webb, Sara, Through the lens of local leadership and local knowledge: Locally-relevant monitoring and evaluation in Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga
- Widdup, Sophie, How do you know you're ready to evaluate?
- Wilks, Rachel, Reflections from a new evaluator
- Williamson, Alexandra, A gender lens in philanthropic partnerships: Case narratives from two housing initiatives
- Zhao, Catherine, Examining the readiness of introducing NLP into education evaluation