By Squirrel Main, Eleanor Williams, Kristy Hornby, Mandy Charman
Everyday ethical challenges for evaluators
Ethics are part and parcel of any evaluation journey. Every evaluator, at some point, will face tricky situations where they'll need to balance ethical principles with practical decisions. While formal ethics processes usually revolve around consent and transparency in evaluation design, the real challenges often pop up beyond that. Evaluators frequently work in environments full of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (known as 'VUCA' conditions), which means we need to stay flexible and responsive throughout the entire evaluation process to keep things on track.
A lot of the discussions about ethics in evaluation in Australia seem to centre on meeting the requirements of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research and the needs of Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs). But the less glamorous, day-to-day ethical challenges we face when we're actually designing, delivering, and reporting on evaluations tend to get less attention. This post provides early thinking on a basic framework for evaluators who want to think about their own ethical decision-making and kickstart a conversation about whether more guidance, advice, or support is needed.