Program book
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Keynote presentations
- June Oscar AO, Wiyi Yani U Thangani - re-imagining evaluation with a gender justice lens, speaker notes and presentation slides
- James Copestake, What next? From evaluating to anticipating, speaker notes and presentation slides
- Elizabeth Hoffecker, Wayfinding tools for learning and evaluation in complex systems
- Indy Johar, Navigating transitions through risk and uncertainties
Note: Only the first author has been listed below and not all presenters submitted presentations, or gave permission to publish.
Abbato, Samantha, Putting values on the evaluation journey map
Abbato, Samantha, The psychology of evaluation capacity building: Finding the way with the rider, elephant and the pathway
Amon, Michael, Developing a tool for measuring evaluation maturity at a federal agency
Atkinson, Gerard, An update on practical applications of machine learning in evaluation
Babyack, Sharon, Monitoring and evaluation journeys: Making footprints, community-based enterprise in Australian First Nations contexts
Baker, Laura, If the destination is improvement, recommendations are the signpost
Baldock, Penny, Our journey so far: A story of evaluation to support community change in South Australia
Barkat, Samiha, Evaluation by stealth: Insights from embedded evaluation practice
Barnes, Katrina, From KPIs to systems change: Reimagining organisational learning
Barry, Caitlin, Our five guiding waypoints: Y Victoria's journey and learning from applying organisation-wide social impact measurement
Bell, Charlotte, A tool for addressing violence against women: An examination of the creation, benefits, and drawbacks of the Evidence Portal
Belling, Phillip, Getting to the value add: Timely insights from a realist developmental evaluation
Birch, Rhiannon, From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Insights from a teacher workforce initiative evaluation
Boyce, Ayesha, Cultivating equity: A roadmap for new and student evaluators' journeys
Burness, Alli, The art of qualitative sensemaking: Exploring new methods
Butler, Candice, Development and implementation of a culturally grounded evaluation framework: Learnings from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak
Button, Stephanie, Enhancing evaluation value for small community organisations: A case example
Carter, Marnie, A sprint, not a marathon: Rapid evaluation as an approach for generating fast evidence and insights
Chen, Anabelle (Pin-Ju), Program evaluation fundamentals in the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure: An eLearning course on evaluation
Clark, Jake, Uncovering hidden STEM footprints: Leveraging output data from Questacon’s outreach programs
Clements, Kirstin, In the spotlight: An arts industry-led approach to evaluation
Cross, Dana, An evaluator in need of an evaluation
Cummings, Rick, Perspectives on the appropriate use of RCTs in evaluation | additional presentations on RCT: Cameron, Lisa, Using Randomised controlled trials to estimate policy impacts and inform policy design; Jarvie, Wendy, Some things I’ve learnt about RCTs: PEARL trials of community play-based activities in Tonga 2014-2018
Deo, Jolenna, Journey mapping: Visualising competing needs within evaluations
Donkers, Martina, Participatory analysis workshops: A novel method for identifying important factors across diverse projects
Elliott, Julie, Committed to mentoring
Erskine, Kathryn, Elevating evaluation: Practical insights for supporting systems transformation
Etuk, Lena, Culturally inclusive evaluation with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia
Faulkner, Laura, Valuing First Nations cultures in cost-benefit analysis
Field, Adrian, When "parachuting in" is not an option: Exploring value with integrity across languages, continents and time zones
Fletcher, Susie, Sign here: Supporting deaf participation in evaluation
Fortunati, Erika, Gamified, flexible, and creative tools for evaluating a support program for palliative children and their families
Gandy, Kizzy, Trigger warnings - do they just trigger people more?
Gibson, Lauren, A practical approach to designing and implementing outcome measures in psychosocial support services
Gongora, Milena, Embracing the L in ‘MEL’: A journey towards participatory evaluation in government programs
Guenther, John, Reviewing and writing for the Evaluation Journal of Australasia
Gullickson, Amy, The learning journey: Competency self-assessment for personal learning and profession development
Healey, Matt, To tinker, tailor, or craft from scratch? The tension in using validated tools in novel contexts
Hornby, Kristy, When speed is of the essence: How to make sure the rubber hits the road
Hornby, Kristy, Systems evaluation to the rescue!: How do we use systems evaluation to improve societal and planetary wellbeing?
Hornby, Kristy, Navigating ethics dilemmas when evaluating for government: The good, the bad and the ugly
Iqbal, Mohib, Following the (matched) data to understand impact: Adventures in quasi-experimental evaluation
Karskens, Ethel, Harnessing AI for qualitative data analysis
Kelly, Linda, Shifting evaluation to have value for local actors
Kelly, Linda, From evaluation to impact-practical steps in a qualitative impact study
Kennedy, Gillian, Reflections on a developmental evaluation of a traditional healing service model for the Kimberley region of Western Australia
Lang, Ossie, National impact, regional delivery - Robust M&E for best practice Australian horticulture industry development
Lapinski, Emily, Warlpiri ways of assessing impact - how an Aboriginal community is defining, assessing and taking action for a good life in their community
Limerick, Michael, Appreciating First Nations voices: Using appreciative inquiry and participation in the evaluation of Community Justice Groups
Lindsay-Smith, Gabby, Reflections by a novice on the use of a powerful linked-data simulation model (the Victorian Social Investment Model; VicSIM) in evaluation
Loveridge, Donna, Navigating the unfamiliar: Evaluation and sustainable finance
Mancuso, Gina, Measuring impact through storytelling: Using most significant change to evaluate the effectiveness of QHub for LGBTIQA+ young people
Marembo, Eugenia, Culturally responsive initiatives: Lessons in effective initiative design and evaluation of initiatives that affect First Nations people
Marra-Brown, Sharon, Involving children and young people in evaluations: Equity through active participation
McLachlan, Andrew, Fidelity to context: A realist perspective on implementation science
Mottershead, Amanda, Growing Australia's future evaluators: Lessons from emerging evaluator networks across the Asia Pacific
Namit, Kabira, Navigating the maze of causality: Understanding the relationship between carcinogenic betel nut consumption and learning outcomes
Newman, Vera, Impact evaluation: Bringing together quantitative methods and program theory in mixed method evaluations
Nguyen, Hannah, Revitalising survey engagement: strategies to tackle low response rates
Nichols, Kate, If treaty is like a marriage, state evaluation needs sustained deep work: Evaluation and Victoria's First Peoples treaty
Notting, Mallory, A long road ahead: Evaluating long-term change in complex policy areas. A case study of school active travel programs in the ACT
Ong, James, The evolution of evaluation: Retracing our steps in evaluation theory to prepare for the future
Opoku, Sandra, Place-based evaluation: Collaborating to navigate learning in complex and dynamic contexts
Parker, Shefton, Navigating organisational turbulence: An evaluation-based strategic learning model for organisational sustainability
Phillips, Lydia, Finding ways to empower multicultural survivors of violence through evaluation: Strategies, learnings and reflections
Pilbeam, Victoria, Learning from failure at a NFP - pitfalls and pointers
Quail, Stephanie, Man vs. Machine: Reflections on machine-assisted and human-driven approaches used to examine open-text progress reports
Reeves, Amanda, Navigating a path to system impact: Designing a strategic impact evaluation of education programs
Rintoul, Duncan, The ACT Evidence and Evaluation Academy 2021-24: Lessons learned from a sustained whole-of-government ECB effort
Rixon, Nerida, Navigating complex government reforms: a tool to examine program theory. How complete and relevant is government program theory?
Sambodho, Johannes Prio, Designing a baseline research for impact : The SKALA experience
Scannell, Kaitlyn, Our new ways: Reforming our approach to impact measurement and learning
Sleep, Lyndal, Introducing a trauma informed AI assessment tool for evaluators of AI (artificial intelligence) assisted programs and services
Smith, Justine, Learn, evolve, adapt: Evaluation of climate change and disaster risk reduction programs
Tobin, Rochelle, Charting the course: Measuring organisational evaluation capacity building
Trudgett, Skye, Voices of the future: Elevating First Nations leadership in the evolution of educational excellence
Trudgett, Skye, Constructing a wisdom base: A hands-on exploration of First Nations knowledge systems
Tulloch, Charlie, Investment logic mapping or evaluation logic modelling: Similarities and differences
Tulloch, Charlie, Planning your conference voyage: Key evaluation concepts for novice sailors
Van Der Zant, Tamara, Optimising evaluations of wellbeing programs in schools
Walker, Lisa, Evaluating capacity building for sustainability scientists: Pathways for early career researchers
Wegener, Chloe, Beyond numbers: Weaving stories, sculpting change and signal spotting through collaborative impact yarns
White, Stephanie, Failing your way to better practice: How to tread carefully when things aren't going as planned
Wilks, Rachel, No help? No worries! How to find your way on your own
Wilks, Rachel, Where next? Evaluation to transformation
Williams, Eleanor, Commissioning evaluations - finding the way from a transactional to a relational approach