Blake, E - Evaluating Good Governance in Cambodia: The Laar Experience
Chetwin, A - Making the Best Evaluation Choices
Copeland, V - Balancing privacy with respondent burden
Dart, J and Williams, S - Evaluating the Victorian Biodiversity Strategy
Donnelly, J - Who owns the knowledge? An equitable approach to evaluation at the grass roots level.
Greet, P and Sankey, J - The use of economic analysis and quantitative techniques in evaluations
Harrison, N et. al. - AES Indigenous Strategy Special Interest Group symposium
Hawkins, A et. al. - Online data captur: Making life easier for everybody
Hider, K - Enough room for everyone: collaboration of internal and external evaluators
Jakob-Hoff, M and Bir, J - Building Evaluation Capacity from Within the Werry Centre
Lobo, R et. al. - An evaluation framework and evaluation tools for peer-based youth programs
McKegg, K - Evaluative mindsets: Why do organisations engage in evaluation?
Milne, C - Evaluation framework, strategy, design or plan — what is really wanted?
Mutch, C; Brough, S and Direen, G - Reflecting on Building Evaluation Capacity
Nelson, C - Reflecting on Evaluation Methods for Development Aid
Owen, J and Cummings, R - Making Evaluation at Home in Organisations
Pakula, B - Biosecurity Wicked Problems, Wicked Solutions Wicked Evaluations
Renger, R - Logic Modeling For Program Success: A Three-Step Approach
Richardson, L - Australia’s Regional Natural Resource Management Bodies Evaluation Cultures
Rutter, A - Positive Evaluation Methodology: Unpacking the Positive Ageing Initiative
Stoney, J et. al. - Praxis: Thoughts, ideas and challenges when evaluation theory meets practice
Walsh, B - The application of realist evaluation to a capital city CCTV system
Wilde, V et. al. - A tool to support reflective practice
Williams, E; Hussien, L and Cummings, E - The proof is in the pudding
Williams, R - Reflecting on Learning: A role for evaluation in rural sustainable development