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- Bycroft, P and Scheinpflug, S - Developing Defensible Evaluation Techniques in the Human Services Sector
- Conner, R - The Opportunities and Challenges of Evaluating Community-Based Health Promotion Projects: Lessons from the Field
Dussuyer, I and Smart, D - Linking Up Research, Policy and Practice: Lessons From a Collaborative Crime Prevention Project
Dyall, L - Powhiri : A Model for Host Responsibility and Evaluation of Harm Minimisation Requirements in New Zealand
Funnell, S and Rogers, P - Evaluating Complex and Complicated Programs: Issues, Approaches, Implementation and Implications
Gervais, M - The Role of Evaluation to Improve a Complex Network of Services: Fourteen Years of Experience to Share 035
Gervais, M - Effective Evaluation: Issues, Challenges and Lessons learned from Canadian Practices 036
Heading, G - The Desirability of Problem Based Learning for Australian and International Rural GP Registrars 030
Markiewicz, A - A Balancing Act: Resolving Multiple Stakeholder Interests in Program Evaluation 010
McDonald, E - Illustrating The Benefits of Using a Mixed Method Evaluation Design in the Context of a Remote Indigenous Community 004
Pepin, G - To Jump In or Not To Jump In? The Art of Understanding How People Get Involved in Evaluation 009
Rist, R - Keynote Presentation: From Studies to Streams – The Coming Transformation of Evaluative Knowledge
Rist, R et al - Panel Discussion: Valuing Evaluation Evidence in Policy, Program and Resource Allocation Decision Making 093
Shaw, H - An Action Learning Approach to Evaluating Community Engagement 013
Smith, M et al - The Child the Heart of the Matter - Evaluation of School Performance: Meeting the needs of various audiences 039
Vasiliauskas, E - The Perfect Mix or just a Mish-Mash? Mixed Method Evaluations 087
Zappelli, R and Snow, K - Market Research or Program Evaluation: An Exploration of the Differences and Similarities between the Two 097