Sustainable Communities |
SU02 | Walking Backwards into the Future: Evaluation, democracy and bureaucratic thinking | Saville KUSHNER | kushner.pdf |
SU04 | Evaluating Corporate citizenship: Rhetoric and Reality | Suzanne BENN | benn.pdf |
SU05 | Getting it Right from the Start: Developing a coordinated national approach to the monitoring and evaluation of natural resource management programs | Kerry ROSE | not provided |
SU06 | Evaluating complex Whole of Government Initiatives: Lessons from the evaluation of Queensland's community renewal program. | Peter WALSH | not provided |
SU07 | Beyond Counting Widgets: Improving outcomes through the development of a learning culture | Bruce KEFFORD | not provided |
SU08 | Logic Modelling for Complex programs: A new modular technique | Doug FRASER | not provided |
SU09 | International Advocacy: Measuring performance and effectiveness | Linda KELLY | kelly.pdf |
SU01 | Triple Bottom Line Performance: Finding the balance | Julian CRAWFORD | crawford.pdf |
SU13 | Evaluating Training and Learning Practices in Large Australian Firms | Susan DAWE | dawe.pdf |
SU14 | How well are publicly funded treeplanting schemes being assessed? | Pat MURRAY | murray.pdf |
SU15 | Can participatory evaluation of new communication technology initiatives assist in building sustainable and inclusive rural communities? | June LENNIE | lennie.pdf |
SU16 | Changing Agendas in Evaluation Planning | Brian ENGLISH | not provided |
SU17 | Preparing for Evaluation: Lessons from capacity-building for natural resource management | Elizabeth BAKER | baker.pdf |
SU18 | Working with the Stakeholders: Combining participatory methods with hard data to evaluate three environmental programs | Wendy HODGE | hodge.pdf |
Strong & Open Communities |
ST02 | The challenges of diversity and difference: Implications for evaluation design and practice | Jennifer GREENE | greene.pdf |
ST03 | Issues for Evaluation & Community Development | Sue KENNY | kenny.pdf |
ST04 | Working in Partnership: Evaluation and the Whanau Development Project | Diana DALLAS | dallas.pdf |
ST06 | Capacity Building Evaluation of Capacity Building Programs | Judith WOODLAND | woodland.pdf |
ST08 | Measuring Community Performance as a Community Building Exercise | Maureen ROGERS | not provided |
ST10 | Interweaving Cultural Perspectives: An evaluation within New Zealand’s criminal justice system | Allison CHETWIN | chetwin.pdf |
ST11 | Rethinking Evaluation Use | Rick CUMMINGS | cummings.pdf |
ST12 | Empowering Older Adults through Engagement in the Evaluation Process: Cases from three adult and community education projects in Victoria | Rosalind HURWORTH | hurworth.pdf |
ST13 | Designing Outcome Indicators for Communities: The NSW Families First Initiative | Karen FISHER | not provided |
ST14 | Perspectives on Evaluating a Pilot Mentor Program for Young Offenders | Marie DELANEY | delaney.pdf |
ST16 | From Silos to Systems:Transforming and organisation's evaluative culture | Madeline FERNBACH | fernbach.pdf |
ST17 | Measuring Social Capital: towards a standardised approach | Jody HUGHES | hughes.pdf |
ST18 | Evaluating the Cultural Appropriateness of Service Delivery in Multi-Ethnic Communities | David THOMAS | thomas.pdf |
ST19 | The Challenges of Stakeholder participation: Examples of evaluation projects from the Youth Justice context | Heidi BERGER-BARTLETT | berger-bartlett.pdf |
ST20 | Bulding Capacity in Evaluation: The role of Evaluation Planning | Delwyn GOODRICK | goodrick.pdf |
ST22 | Evaluation can be Liberating | Kate ROBERTS | roberts.pdf |
ST23 | Can Evaluation be too Prescriptive? Appraisal in the age of the Triple Bottom Line | Ian KER | ker.pdf |
ST25 | Responding to Diversity: Assisting higher education students develop written communication skills | Janis WEBB | webb.pdf |
ST27 | Evaluation of a Government Funded Pilot Community program | Tanya SEGESSENMANN | not provided |
ST29 | Social Policy Accountability through Cost Savings Evaluation | Karen FISHER | fisherst29.pdf |
Children's experiences of evaluation: Making a difference | Sharon MILNE | milne.pdf |
Prosperous Communities |
PR02 | Assessment of evaluation strategies and tools for place management and community renewal projects | Martin STEWART-WEEKS | weeks.pdf |
PR04 | Difficulties of Developing and Using Social Indicators to Evaluate Government Programs: A Critical review | Anona ARMSTRONG | armstrongpr4.pdf |
PR06 | Evaluation in Action: Assessing the literacy and numeracy training programme for job seekers | Zakir RAHMANI | rahmani.pdf |
PR07 | Rethinking Corporate Practice and Governance in the Light of Recent Corporate Collapses? | Rick SARRE | sarre.pdf |
PR08 | Evaluating the Success of a Crime Prevention Strategy Targeting Community Capacity & Participation | Anona ARMSTRONG | armstrongpr8.pdf |
PR09 | Professional's and Client's Perspectives: Why clients don't use, or use only once, community-based child health services | Robert VOLKMER | volkmer.pdf |
PR12 | Learning from Farmbis: designing and refining a monitoring and evaluation framework for the adaptive management of a national program | Karen CODY | not provided |
PR20 | Monitoring Community Projects for the IMB Community Foundation | Alan WOODWARD | not provided |
PR15 | Evaluating the Social and Economic Consequences of Workplace injury and illness in New Zealand | Rashmi RAJAN | rajan.pdf |
PR16 | Monitoring program progress: More than a series of feedback loops | Elizabeth BARBER | barber.pdf |
PR19 | Evaluation Models: Valid for Whom? | Delwyn GOODRICK | not provided |
PR21 | Attention and Action for Strong & Open Communities | Sue CURTIS | not provided |
Reflections on Learning about Australasian evaluation theory and practice | Patricia ROGERS | rogers.pdf |